加熱式製程冷卻水(PCW)(廢氣)處理機 - MOCVD , EPI , NH3 烤箱 , 高氫氣(H2)製程專用
工藝流程:NH3廢氣與載流氫氣一同進入第一腔室, 在無氧狀態下高溫裂解 NH3→ N + H2, 氫氣於第一腔室內部不做任何反應 (無氧狀態) → 在第二腔室內注入一般空氣於第一腔室反應成的 氫氣與載流氣體氫氣做反應成水 H2+O2→ 2H2O → 廢水流入水箱達到環保排放標準 → 高溫已處理廢氣進入專利冷卻反應式做冷卻排放
處理氣體:NH3: 0-200slm / H2: 0-600slm
EcoEpi Gas Scrubber
Double Chamber design
- NH3 is decomposed to N + H2
- Catch 95% powder in 1stChamber
Preheated room air
- Preheated combustion air by the waste heat which is generated in the process of the water gas treatment
- Decrease electricity & improve DRE.
Special material
- Prevent HIHA attack
PCW Cooling chamber
- increase waste air go through cooling tank time.
- Catch powder to avoid powder clogged