Gas Treatment | Reduced Particle | Odor Treatment | Greenhouse Gas Treatment |
ABOUT US It is our duty to protect and cherish enviornment. Chiyo Enterprises Limited is a comprehensive environmental protection equipment company. We are a professional company integrating technology development, technical services, environmental equipment manufacturing, general contracting of projects, and comprehensive utilization of resources. We are committed to reduction of waste gas (greenhouse gas PFCs Gas), toxic gas, dust, and yellow and white smoke (PM 2.5) which generated during the manufacturing process of semiconductors and traditional industries. Therefore, to achieve the goals of environmental pollustion control and ecological environment restoration.
Product Introduction
Plasma water washing exhaust gas processor-CVD It is our duty to protect enviornment.
Equipment type:Plasma water washing-CVD Process:Preheated exhaust gas →Pyrolysis vortex plasma (2,000~10,000C°)→ Dissolved poison gas by washing →Water washing cooling and exhausting Process Gas:PFCs Gas (CF4、SF6、NF3...) | Combustion water washing exhaust gas processor It is our duty to protect environment
Equipment type:Combustion water washing Process:Natural gas pyrolysis toxic gas→Vortex water flushes chamber, at same time, it keeps the chamber below 50 degrees→Dissolved poison gas by washing→Water washing cooling and exhausting Process Gas:PFCs Gas (CF4、SF6、NF3...) | Heating water washing exhaust gas processer It is our duty to protect environment
Equipment type:Heating water washing Process:Pyrolysis exhaust gas by heating high temperature (600~800C°)→Dissolved poison gas by washing→Water washing cooling and exhausting Process Gas:The waste gas can be pyrolyzed or oxidized and washed by water |
| 环保是保持和发展生态平衡,扩大有用自然资源的再生 产,协调人类与环境的关系。 Environmental protection is to maintain and develop ecological balance, to expand the reproduction of useful natural resources, and to coordinate the relationship between human and environment. |
环保回收拯救世界 虽然我们不能像电影中的救世主般,以一己之力拯救地球于危难之中,但是我们的一言一行是可以影响地球未来的发展动向的。诚然,要想生活中处处环保没有那么简单,但是它也没有想象中的那么困难。
环保第一品牌 20年环保行业一线经验 为您提供良好生活环境 |